Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Assignment 4 Audience Analysis

Assignment 4 Audience Analysis

Q Assignment Content 1. 1. Please, read Understanding Audience and Purpose, Using an Audience Profile Sheet, Determining the Important Characteristics of your Audience, and Techniques for eLearning about your Audience. Pages, 90 — 100. 2. After you read the chapter… Do you have social media? Well, open your favorite account. Then, look for that item (video, picture, sound, check-in, etc.) that got the most comments, likes, views, or followers on your account. Also, if you don’t have social media, or if you don’t want to share something personal for this assignment, look for your favorite item online. It might be that picture, podcast, post, song, etc. that attracts you very much and that you always see for any reason. 3. Open MS Word, and based on what you read from the chapter, start writing an analysis of the reasons behind the popularity of the item. Why do you think that your audience connected better with that specific item and no other one? What made the audience hit the Like (or Heart) button? Do you know the story behind the item? Be creative and start supposing the reasons for the popularity of the item. Use the next organization for your document. A. Basic information. Full name, class, date. B. Picture, or screen-capture of the item. C. Link of the item. D. Your analysis in 500 words at least. (Recommendation, read the chapter first. I can tell when my student didn’t read before the assignment, don’t jeopardize your grade.) E. Revise your grammar, the organization of your ideas, and the content of your analysis. F. Convert your file into a PDF. 4. Upload on Blackboard.

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Once I have posted one picture of my laptop with the coffee mug and it received huge likes and comments. I could understand what led to such popularity explosion on this image. My social media handle does not have wide reach and for that I do not receive much likes and comments. But the laptop with such sophisticated wall paper has garnered the comments and the likes within two days. If I dive into doing the analysis, it will be evident that audience connects with these two things because this what most people are occupied to. People After posting so many display pictures and other photos,